Friday, January 7, 2011

What's next?

So it's been almost a year and a half since a blog. That sounds like a long time, right? Funny that reading the last post, I don't feel 15 months diffrent. Sadly the optimism of my first few posts do feel like a long time ago. I have to move in 6 weeks. My roomate and the dog are moving in with the fiance'. Good for them. To be fair, I've been sick for a week so maybe things just seem worse? or not. My brother is a struggling alcoholic, over the holidays it came out that he feels like he has nothing to live for. I didn't have a lot to tell him because I, not stuggling with alcohol, don't really know what I'm living for either. Not that I would do anything like try and end my life, I won't. I'm still hoping to figure it out. Whatever that means. I just don't know what's next.

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